카테고리 없음2014. 7. 21. 14:55


1. 벤 다이어그램 그려서 설명하기(맞고 틀리고는 그리 중요하지 않음)

2. 퍼센테이지를 분수화 하기(25%를 1/4로 표현)

3. 모두에게 "다시 뒤를 돌아봅시다"라고 말하기(우리가 풀고자 하는 진짜 문제가 도대체 뭐죠? 따위도 가능)

4. 무언가 받아적는 척 하며 계속 고개를 끄덕거리기(손으로 필기, 단어로만)

5. 직전 발언자가 말했던 내용을 아주 느리게 다시 한번 반복하기(발언자의 똑똑함이 옮겨져 오는 효과를 보게 될 것)

6. 그게 무엇이든 "측정가능해?" 라고 물을 것(누구도 이게 정확히 뭘 의미하는지 모름)

7. 회의실을 돌아다닐 것(팔짱 끼고, 구석 벽에 기대서 크게 고뇌하는 듯한 한숨을 쉴 것)

8. 발표자에게 그 전 슬라이드를 다시 한번 보자 이야기할 것(다른 사람들보다 더 집중하고 있는 것 처럼 보이게 만듬)

9. 전화 받으러 밖으로 나갈 것 (중요한 전화여야 함, 얼마나 바쁘길래 회의 중간에 나가야만 하는지 이미지를 심어 줘야 함)

10. 당신 스스로를 개그소재로 삼아볼 것(사람들은 자해개그를 좋아함)

Posted by skip55
카테고리 없음2014. 7. 18. 16:36
Posted by skip55
카테고리 없음2014. 7. 1. 01:02
Posted by skip55
카테고리 없음2014. 6. 23. 22:00

6월 22일 CEO Score의 발표에 따르면, 총 22개 산업 중 국내 기업들이 9개 산업서 매출액 기준 top 10에 선정되었음.  IT, 자동차, 철강, 조선, 기계, 해운, 통신 등이 포함.

우선 가전과 조선 부분에서 1위를 차지함. 삼성전자와 LG전자가 TV, 모니터, 다른 가전제품들로 나란히 1,2위를 차지. 지난해 삼성은 $48.2 billion의 매출을 기록하며 소니($16.4 billion, 3위)를 이겼고, LG 역시 $36 billion으로 도시바($12.5 billion), 파나소닉($11.4 billion)을 압도했음.

조선은 현대중공업과 5개 회사가 순위권에 들었는데, 먼저 현대중공업은 $61.9 billion의 매출액으로 1위. 대우조선해양은 $14.6 billion으로 3위, 삼성중공업은 $14.2 billion으로 4위, 현대미포조선은 $3.8 billion으로 5위를 기록. STX 조선해양은 $3.2 billion으로 7위, 한진중공업은 8위. 일본의 미쯔비시와 미쯔이 조선이 2위와 6위를 각각 차지했음.

모바일 기기와 반도체, 철강산업에선 1위와 근소한 차이로 2위를 기록함.

삼성전자가 $132.8 billion으로 애플에 이어 모바일 기기 부분 2위, $35.8 billion으로 반도체 부분 인텔이 이어 2위를 기록하였으며,

철강 부분에선 Posco가 룩셈베르크의 Arcelormittal에 조금 뒤진 $59.2 billion으로 2위를 차지함. Posco는 매출 슬럼프에도 불구하고 1위 Arcelormittal와 기업대비 매출 비중이 71%서 75%로 상승하였음.

마지막으로 자동차와 자동차 부품, 해운, 그리고 통신 산업도 TOP 10안에 들었음.

현대 모비스는 $32.7 billion의 매출액으로 자동차 부품 부분 6위를 차지했으며, 작년대비 11%의 성장을 이루어냈음. 영업이익은 1위인 Robert Bosch와 비교 72%까지 오름세를 기록.

자동차 산업에선 현대기아차가 매출 부분 5위를 차지했는데, 차만 대상으로 놓고 보면 전체 10위.

해운업과 통신산업에선 한진이 $9.9 billion으로 7위, KT가 $22.8 billion으로 10위를 차지함.

화학산업에으로 넘아가면 SK 이노베이션이 $63.8 billion으로 전체 13위를, GS 칼텍스가 $43.7 billion으로 16위, S-Oil이 $29.8 billion으로 19위, LG화학이 $22.1 billion으로 20위를 기록.

이 9개 산업 이외에 화장품, 유통, 제약, 그리고 IT 분야 등은 다른 글로벌 거대기업들에 뒤쳐졌는데,

화장품 산업에선 오직 아모레 퍼시픽만이 $3 billion의 매출을 올리며 13위를 기록하였지만, 이 수치는 전체 1위 로레알의 1/10에 불과한 수준.

유통부분에서 롯데쇼핑($27 billion)은 리스트에 오르지 못했음. 월마트의 5.7%에 해당하는 매출을 기록. 제약 역시 마찬가지로 유한양행은 $900 million의 매출로 전체 1위의 1.6% 수준에 그침.

마지막으로 국내 인터넷 산업의 절대강자 네이버 역시 구글의 3.7%에 해당하는 매출액에 머물렀음.

이 밖의 건설, 국방, 항공, 주류, 패션 등의 영역에선 한국회사들은 거의 존재감을 드러내지 못함.

Posted by skip55
카테고리 없음2014. 6. 23. 22:00


When I started my first tech company in 1999 I had pretty good tech chops and had led teams but had very little exposure to many other things that matter in a startup including sales, marketing & business development. Like most first-timers, I learned the hard way.

Negotiating was a subset of every activity in a startup – it really was a way of life.

  • Getting an office in a tight real estate market.
  • Getting a sublet at the right terms when the market crashed.
  • Convincing people to join your start. And take less than their big companies paid them and with less security.
  • Getting a recruiter to agree to work with you. And not charge you outrageous up-front fees.
  • Persuading a journalist to write about you rather than the 1,000 other companies bugging them. Offering them exclusively information as inducement.
  • Convincing tech ops to carry a pager on weekends. Finding the right compensation for doing so without pissing off other devs who also worked many weekends. And not breaking the bank.
  • Dealing with pesky VCs. And those long contracts they want you to sign with terms that seemed more like Latin than English. And for which I was sure were designed to screw me.

As unpleasant as people find the thought of it – life is a negotiation. And no life is more of a constant negotiation than that of an entrepreneur.

And most of us start with zero training.

One of the big mistakes I used to make (and still sometimes do, frankly) was to negotiate piecemeal. I think it actually comes naturally to the uninitiated and it’s suboptimal.

Luckily I had my colleague and still dear friend Stuart Lander to sort me out. He was a recovering lawyer and has now become a startup operator extraordinaire. His lawyerly training has helped him become an excellent negotiator. Negotiating is part of the training as a corporate lawyer and why you should never negotiate against lawyers unless you yourself have one present.

When Stuart and I first started working together he had just joined the company as a junior business development professional. It was his first job after giving up the well-paid lawyerly career for a low-paying roller coaster ride of a startup. You can imagine how his proud Jewish parents felt about his giving up a job as a lawyer. I wonder if they’ve ever forgiven me?

We were meeting with a potential business partner and Stuart had drafted an agreement between the two companies. The other side had a series of things that they wanted changed. The owner of that company was in the meeting along with his business development lead. On our side it was Stuart and me.

Like a machismo first-time CEO I thought I should handle the negotiation myself. Their CEO was equally bravado and dumb. He openend with his first issue. I listened to why he didn’t agree to that particular term and what he preferred in stead.

Like the problem solver I had been trained as in my software development days, I parsed his issue. I saw where he was coming from and from our side why our ask was what it was. I talked too much. I looked for middle ground. He talked too much. He haggled with me. We both felt good. And smart. We agreed a compromise. Then on to the next issue.

Our list was long. 15 or 20 points.

We worked through the first 4 or 5. Stuart is not a patient man. And never mind that I was the CEO, his frustration with me was visible. He found a good excuse for a break and pulled me aside.

“Mark, you need to stop negotiating point-by-point.

Our goal here isn’t to have a negotiation line-by-line. We want to know what all of their issues are first. You’re compromising on each point and that makes no sense.

Let’s get all of their issues on the table. Let’s then convene privately and rank the issues we care about and which we don’t. 

Let’s be very flexible on the issues that are at the bottom of our rank and they might really care about. Let’s dig in our heels on the issues we care most about. We can trade compromises on issues that aren’t as important to us in exchange for not budging at all on our most important points.

If you negotiate piecemeal you end up compromising on everything. That’s not very smart.”

And it wasn’t. It came both from impatience (who wants to go through an entire list and hear issues without debating them?), inexperience and ego.

Corporate lawyers know better. They’re used to negotiating long agreements. Their modus operandi is, “send us all your comments by marking up our entire document.” That is a form of “let’s negotiate in an entirety rather than piecemeal.” They’re even happier if they don’t have to do it face-to-face.

To me it always seems so harsh. You get back a document that has 5,000 redlines on it. It feels like receiving one big middle finger and I still find it unsettling. To a lawyer it’s just efficiency. They know they’re going to concede on many of those points. But the hassle is … you don’t know up front which ones their client really cares about it and which are BS items designed to wear you down in the negotiation.


The problem with negotiating piecemeal as Stuart taught me is that you trade on every item. You don’t prioritize the issues which you really care about. If you don’t want to give a millimeter on one item you have a hard time doing that point-by-point. Done as a “package deal” you can say, “I gave in on these 5 issues that you asked for. On this issue I can’t give.” That’s much harder to pull off piecemeal.

Piecemeal you might be reasonable in your negotiation on each of those first 5 issues as each came up. You found middle ground on each of them. When the 6th point comes us – the one you really care about – you’ve lost your leverage. You might have been better off not finding middle ground on the first 5 points but rather having given completely on all of them in exchange for not budging an inch on point 6.

I know this will sound like the blinding glimpse of the obvious to the reader.

Trust me when I say that most untrained business people approach these negotiations piecemeal. I think it’s human nature. And to this day I still struggle not to do so myself.

Stuart Lander was promoted within months of this first meeting we had together to run business development for the entire company. Within a year he ran a territory. Within two years he became the COO. And within four he ran global operations across 5 countries including the United States. He’s very talented.

He took the title of “President” which for a Brit was very funny to him. It seemed very overstated like all things American. But perhaps by then his parents forgave me both for taking him away from a “real” profession like being a lawyer.  But probably not. You know the old joke:

For the first time in history a Jewish person is elected as president of the United States.

At his inauguration his mother is sitting in the front row, beaming. The person next to her says, “You must be very proud of your son – becoming the first American Jewish president!”

She replies, “Ah, yes, he’s OK. But you should see my other son. HE is a doctor!”

Stuart is the main guy who persuaded me to start blogging some of the lessons we learned together. He has many of his own. He taught me as much as I taught him. If we could persuade him to tell you all some of his lessons I think you’d learn some interesting insight. But maybe he’s keeping them all to himself? Or maybe he’ll channel them through Suster.

Posted by skip55
카테고리 없음2014. 6. 12. 22:56


모바일 사용자 급등

인터넷 광고 여전히 강함, 모바일 크게 상승

모바일 앱 수익이 광고 수익 2배

99년에 비해 테크 기업들 IPO 금액 합계는 73%하락, IPO 신청 기업 숫자는 87% 하락함

칸 아카데미 작년 대비 뷰 69%, 아이튠스 유니버시티 뷰 59%, 코세라 등록 2% 상승

교육현장서 각종 앱 활용 늘어남

메세징 앱 = Frequent interactions with smaller group of close contacts

Instagram, Finterest, Tumbler, Vine, Snapshot = Image+Video sharing rising rapidly

Social news content leaders = Buzzfeed, Huffington Post, ABC News

Grocery Market = Same Day Local Delivery = Next Big Thing

Music = Streaming Service

Money = Bitcoin

User Interfaces
- Finding a local business = Yellow pages -> yelp
- Finding a Place to Stay = Booking hotel room -> Airbnb
- People Moving = Hailing cab -> Uber
- Managing Traffic = Driving in Traffic -> Waze
- Finding Music = Satellite Radio-> Spotify
- Finding Video with Voice = Remote Control -> Amazon Fire TV

TV 보면서 스마트폰 쳐다보는 사람 2배 상승함

리모컨 없어지는 중

스마트 티비 = 크롬캐스트 ,아마존 파이어 TV, 애플 TV

비디오 인기 탑 10 따지면 7분 내외의 짧은 비디오

멋진 광고는 시청자 많음

Google TrueView

Game = Spectator Gaming



Younger Counsumers voting for On-Demand Video

Future of TV = Screens Proliferating, Remote Disappearing, Apps Replacing Channels, Internet TV replacing Linear TV

Wechat Survice Account = Personal Banker, Shopping Assistant, Private Chef, Grocery Getter

Posted by skip55
카테고리 없음2014. 6. 12. 22:00

알리바바가 헬스케어 플랜을 발표함.

자신들의 플랫폼을 이용해 유저들이 진료 예약, 대기명단 확인, 결제, 결과 확인 등을 할 수 있도록 만들 예정. 또한 모바일 결제와 클라우드 시스템을 이용해 중국의 전반적인 헬스케어 시스템을 보다 효율적으로 끌어올리는 큰 그림도 그리고 있음.

알리페이의 모바일 앱인 알리페이 지갑에 service window라 불리는 프로그램을 런칭시킬 것이며, 이를 통해 유저들은 예약부터 메디컬 체크 리포트 확인까지 다 할 수 있을 것.

플랜은 총 3단계로 나뉘는데,

1단계는 self funded 고객들에게만 제공됨. 이런 한계 때문에 알리페이는 의료보험 회사들이 자신들의 플랜에 참여하게 하기 위해 활발히 움직이는 중. 현재까지 베이징, 상하이, 광저우 같은 최대 도시들에 위치한 AAA 등급 병원 10여개와 협력 계약을 체결하였으며, 이 중 2개의 병원이 시범운영에 들어가 있음.

2단계는 알리페이가 헬스케어 시스템에서 차지하는 존재감을 대폭 끌어올릴 방안. 5-10년 내에 포괄적인 온라인 플랫폼을 만들어 모바일 진단, 의약품 전달, 병원 교체, 의료보험료 상환, 손해배상 청구 등을 가능하게 할 계획.

3단계는 알리페이가 모은 데이터베이스와 클라우드를 응용, 웨어러블 테크 개발자들, 메디컬 케어 연구기관들, 그리고 정부와도 협력하여 방대한 자료를 기반으로 깐 신 헬스케어 매니지먼트 플랫폼을 완성시키는 것. 치료의 영역에서 예방의 영역으로 옮겨 갈 장기플랜의 토대.

1. 병원과 보험회사 협력체계 확보, 2. 유저 서비스 확대,  3. 전방위적 헬스케어 코스를 밟아나갈 생각인듯?

Posted by skip55
카테고리 없음2014. 4. 28. 23:27

WSJ에 기고된 고령 인구 문제 관련 연구/컨설팅 업체 공동 창업자 메디 디츠월드의 글 ,

저축을 빨리 시작하라. 저축의 마법을 누리려면 최대한 일찍 소득의 최소 10%를 저축하는데서부터 출발하라.

소득의 일부를 저축 계좌에 자동이체시켜라. 자동이체를 해서 생각할 필요가 없으면 돈이 저축 계좌로 흘러 들어가고 있다는 사실도 거의 잊게 된다.

항상 저축, 저축, 그리고 저축하라!

나는 또 서른 살의 나 자신에게 건강 관리에 세심한 주의를 기울이라고 충고할 것이다. 또 인생 말년에 가서 보면 집이나 차의 크기, 직함이 아니라 자신이 사랑하고 자신을 아껴주는 이들이 가장 중요한 자산이다. 내가 젊은 나 자신에게 해주고 싶은 조언을 요약하자면 다음과 같다. (노년을 준비하기 위한) 기본 원칙을 잘 지키고, 항상 선한 마음을 갖고, 인생에서 정말로 중요한 일에 초점을 맞추고, 미래에 나 자신에게 투자하기 위해 저축을 십분 활용하라는 것이다.

Posted by skip55
카테고리 없음2013. 12. 2. 11:47

Category - Amount

Revenue - $170 million

Team Payroll - $84 million

Payroll of corporate staff, travel, pension/health insurance of all employees - $25 million

Draft bonuses, international signings - $12 million

Stadium operations - $12 million

Minor­league player development - $10 million

Major­league operations - $10 million

Ticket/marketing - $7.6 million

Scouting - $4.3 million

Debt service to MLB - $4 million

Umpires - $1.5 million

Spring training - $1 million

Community spending - $1 million

Total nonteam payroll cost - $88.4 million

Total cost plus payroll $172.4 million

Source: Colorado Rockies

Posted by skip55
카테고리 없음2013. 9. 17. 00:17


ST. LOUIS -- It's Matt Carpenter's turn.

The St. Louis Cardinals second baseman is an All-Star, a legitimate MVP candidate, the National League leader in runs, hits and doubles.

He wasn't even sure he was a second baseman until May. Now, he's another homegrown hero coming along at just the right time to help maintain the Cardinals' status as World Series contenders.

After all, it's the Cardinals Way.

One of baseball's most storied franchises is now a consistent juggernaut — on pace for its fourth playoff berth in five seasons — thanks to what can best be described as organizational mastery:

Identify and draft talented and versatile players. Teach them a wide variety of skills. Impart consistent franchise philosophies across all affiliates. And watch previously unheralded players flourish at the major league level.

It's a recurring theme: Third baseman David Freese and outfielder-first baseman Allen Craig became unlikely stars for an unlikely 2011 World Series winner, before Craig became the guy who has replaced and outhit Albert Pujols over the last two seasons and become a cornerstone of manager Mike Matheny's roster.

More recently, in the heat of a difficult National League Central race, 25-year-old Matt Adams, a 2009 23rd-round draft pick, has stepped up, hitting two extra-inning home runs to win a crucial game at the Cincinnati Reds. Adams is filling in for injured Craig, who two years ago was just like Adams: an unheralded product of the St. Louis farm system looking to prove he could play in the major leagues.

It's what the Cardinals do.

"The path that I've taken to get here — and Allen (took) — it's not your typical way," says Carpenter, a 13th-round draft pick who played five positions last season but earned his way into a regular role this season (he's still played three other positions) and found himself alongside Craig at the All-Star Game. "To see it pay off is pretty rewarding."

It is not your typical way, but it's the Cardinals Way.

They're often names familiar only to ultra-loyal St. Louis fans or your neighborhood fantasy geek.

But there always seems to be another one coming from a farm system that has become one of the game's most prolific.

"Next man up, the next guy is going to get it done," Matheny said Sunday after the sweep of the previously division-leading Pittsburgh Pirates was finished off by pitcher Michael Wacha, a 22-year-old making his sixth major league start.

"Expectations are high," general manager John Mozeliak says. "They embrace it."

And that's something of a learned trait in the Cardinals organization.


Philosophy's Roots are deep

That "next man up" philosophy goes back a half-century or so in an organization in which a coaching and development lifer named George Kissell — considered the godfather of how the Cards develop players — became as legendary as Hall of Famers such as Stan Musial and Red Schoendienst.

It stretches into the future in places such as Johnson City, Tenn., and Peoria, Ill., two of the Cardinals' Class A outposts.

"It seems like we're doing something magical," says former big-league catcher Dann Bilardello, in his first year managing the Class A team in Peoria and in his seventh season in the organization.

"In reality, we keep a consistent staff, and we consistently teach the right things."

They talk about the Cardinals Way in almost reverential tones. In seeking to explain it, players offer varying interpretations of the same theme.

"They preach how to get better but win at the same time," says pitcher Lance Lynn, who is a 31-17 since joining the St. Louis rotation last season.

"The Cardinal Way is simply being held accountable for your actions," Carpenter says. "It's integrity, playing hard, working hard, doing all the little things right."

Says Adams, "We're here to win a championship, and if you're not like that, you're just out there playing."

Adams figures he wouldn't be in the majors without the hours coaches spent working with him on defensive footwork or the in-season and offseason improvement plans he was given.

The teaching that Bilardello talks about is a difference-maker. It has to be, considering the success of players who, as Mozeliak says, "weren't necessarily high-profile, cover of Baseball America guys."

Yet the Cardinals turn them into household names.

"When Matt Carpenter first got here, would you have said he's going to be an All-Star? Allen Craig: What position? What's he going to do?" Bilardello asks.

"There's a lot of credit with scouting and everything else. But it's the players. They're the people who make our decisions hard or easy and, they make our decisions to say, 'Man, he deserves a shot.'"

Says Craig, who played every infield position as well as left and right field in the minors as the Cardinals sought a home for his offensive skills, "Every step of the way, I think I've had a coach who told me something that stuck."


Perfecting skills is focus

If you're looking for a secret formula, don't bother breaking into the Cardinals offices. They're what has become a fairly typical mix of traditional scouting and development people plus a healthy dose of statistical analysis.

"From an organizational philosophy, we embrace our past, we focus on today but have an eye for the future," says Mozeliak, who has been general manager since October 2007 and arguably holds the strongest sway over baseball operations since Whitey Herzog was building championship teams in the 1980s.

"The character theme gets a lot of play in this organization. We're certainly grateful for that reputation. But how we get there is not like a secret recipe. It comes down to strong scouts who understand what they're looking for and what will fit into our model. Then, once (players) get here, what the expectations are from our uniform staff."

What are they looking for?

"We look at what skills they have," Mozeliak says.

But they also try to perfect those skills.

Charlie Tilson is a 20-year-old outfielder the Cardinals took out of high school in the second round of the 2011 draft. Growing up in suburban Chicago, he didn't have the game repetition of some highly regarded Sun Belt kids.

In his first pro offseason, he was invited to St. Louis to work with veteran outfielder Matt Holliday.

"It was me, Ryan Jackson, Matt Adams and Kolten Wong (all fellow farmhands and now current Cardinals), and he took us through everything he does and how he prepares," Tilson says.

Tilson was sent to Peoria this year to get regular at-bats, and he hit .303.

"Obviously, I knew I belong," Tilson says.

Says Mozeliak, "Think of it as raw materials. When you're thinking about how to build something, he had a nice set of tools."

That's why, Mozeliak says, "we try to wear the more innovative hat."

Translation: Your position in the minors won't necessarily be your position in the majors. It's also why the Cardinals have tried to get one of Tilson's teammates, speedy outfielder C.J. McElroy (son of former major league pitcher Chuck McElroy) to bat left-handed in order to be a bigger threat as a leadoff man.


Model in action

That innovation carries over to the major league level.

Sure, they have their blue-chippers. Wacha was a 2012 first-rounder on the fast track; he also is one of 12 25-and-under pitchers the Cardinals have used this season.

Of the 12 offensive players with the most at-bats for St. Louis this year, all but Holliday and fellow outfielder Carlos Beltran are graduates of the farm system. Of the homegrown 10, only Freese and catcher Yadier Molina have turned 30.

No wonder Houston Astros general manager Jeff Luhnow, whose previous job was overseeing the Cardinals system, says of his franchise's rebuilding effort, "There are pieces of the Cardinals Way all over. We're bringing those to Houston."

And the Cardinals keep bringing theirs to St. Louis.

Wong is a 2011 first-rounder who made his debut last month.

"As soon as I got drafted, that day at Busch Stadium, I took BP," Wong says. "They told me to take some ground balls, and instantly (longtime coach) Jose Oquendo found something I could have done differently. Then turning double plays, he said, 'You can't do it that way, you do it this way.' From Day 1, it was a learning experience for me daily."

Back in Peoria, Bilardello has yet another player to "exploit that value," as he puts it: Breyvic Valera, 21, who calls himself a second baseman. Maybe so, but he also played shortstop, third base, left field and right field for Peoria this year.

Such multitasking is often a last resort for a player with deficiencies. But switch-hitting Valera is a legitimate prospect. He hit .309 for Peoria while showing up every day not knowing where he would play.

That versatility is what got Carpenter and Craig to the big leagues. And it's part of the message the Cardinals want to get across.

"They see there's a chance," Mozeliak says. "They see how many homegrown players we have in the big leagues. The level of optimism in a minor league clubhouse is high."

That tenor carries right through the system.

"You don't want to have that asterisk next to your name. 'Oh, this guy doesn't want to work hard,'" Adams says. "You want to get it so you're not that different person in the Cardinals system."

And it's all part of why the Cardinals think their young players have been so successful, especially in 2011. Freese was MVP of the NL Championship Series and the World Series; Craig hit three homers in their seven-game conquest of the Texas Rangers.

"When you have the kind of October they had in '11, there's a lot of growing up going on," Mozeliak says. "But I would also say that group was competitive throughout their careers. Nobody seemed (fearful) because they'd played enough playoff games. The stage was different, but they look like they embraced it."

They continue to embrace it, to expect success.

"It helps when people look at what guys do well, not at what they don't do well," Craig says. "That's part of the development we've had."

And a large part of the Cardinals Way.

"Nothing is done without a lot of things (going) right for us," Mozeliak says. "I assure you, it's not easy.

"I take a lot of pride in this."

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